Recplex. Lyubertsy, Russia

Views: 67

Resplex a wide range of sawn timber at an affordable cost

Only here You will find a huge range of profiles, grades and lengths, and high volume production and current production remains in warehouses. In addition, we offer to Your attention a rail, bar, lining, casing, plinth, layout, quirk, bead, corner, products of lime, aspen, larch in stock. Becoming a customer company "Recplex", You will be able to buy wood that meets your requirements for performance, appearance, but most importantly – cost. We save not only Your time but also financial resources, offering a truly favorable conditions for placing orders!

The advantages of applying the company "Recplex":

Control the quality of products;
Set reasonable, reasonable price of timber;
Confidently guarantee the compliance of products with specified characteristics;
Provide customers with sales history, the possibility of deferral, the terms of which in each case are negotiated individually;
Convenient location for pickup orders (stock is 8.3 km from MKAD);
All parties are accompanied by the necessary documentation.


Moscow Oblast
Lyubertsy city

111674, str. 2-ya Volskaya, 34

tel. 8 (985) 857-24-29
Actual on 01.01.2018