Ears, paws, tail. Lyubertsy, Russia

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Necessary veterinary care will have a pet experienced , skilled doctors of the clinic "Ears, paws, tail". Unfortunately , our Pets can‘t inform the owners about their problems and to understand the essence of the disease is possible in some sense. If your pet became lethargic , refuses to eat, behaves unusually , refused legs , lies , lost activity , then you should contact the veterinary clinic "Ears, paws, tail". We work every day and public holidays to provide emergency assistance to your pet at any time. We work with cats and dogs. We believe that the treatment of animals must be available and have reasonable and affordable pricing. We wish you and your pet good health, enjoy each other.
We offer the following services:
1.Call a veterinarian at the home inspection and consultation
2.The initial reception , first aid
4.therapy , surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology
5.docking of ears, tails
6.castration , sterilization
7.delivery, cesarean section
8.euthanasia and cremation


Moscow Oblast
Lyubertsy city

140000, Priobrazhenskaya str., 3/8

tel. +7 (929) 955-19-14

Actual on 01.01.2018