Additional education of Makhachkala

Additional education :

Total items: 212, Views: 201533
High, tutoring center
Makhachkala, 367010, Sovetskaya, 38

tel. +7 (928) 807-77-37

Tutoring center "Maximum" announces admission of students for training for OGE and EGE.
The training is conducted by highly qualified experienced professionals: teachers of the highest category, employees of Universities.
The Center also operates an English language School for children and adults, preschool education, bridging gaps in the school curriculum. The speech therapist. Psychologist.
Groups of the day: School of young journalist, fine arts, Chess.

Individually and in groups.

We are located in the city centre.

We will be glad to help each child!!!

Preparing students for the unified state exam in English, and all who wish to learn English and Arabic languages.
Teach adults and children!
In groups and individually!
Higher education, diploma (DGS) classes group and individual. The Central Department store, 13 school.

Learn to speak English and Arabic
easy and fun, with any level!
- Preparation for the exam and the GIA.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Altus Group
Makhachkala, kvartal M-5, str. Slavy, 1, et. 1

tel. +7 (928) 579-09-09
Actual on 01.01.2018
Makhachkala, 367010, ave. Gamidova, 42

tel. +7 (962) 775-99-11
Actual on 01.01.2018
Dessing Mode, NOU VPO
Makhachkala, 367009, str. Magomedtagirova A. M., 39

tel. +7 (928) 554-50-84
Actual on 01.01.2018
Easy English
Makhachkala, ave. Aligadzhi Akushinskogo, 37/4

tel. +7 (928) 052-47-73
Actual on 01.01.2018
Easy English, NOU
Makhachkala, ave. Aligadzhi Akushinskogo, 147

tel. +7 (989) 898-83-33
Actual on 01.01.2018
English Best
Makhachkala, 367002, ave. Petra Pervogo, 1

tel. +7 (988) 420-63-63
Actual on 01.01.2018












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