Consulting of Makhachkala

Consulting :

Total items: 15, Views: 216440
Business plan
Makhachkala, Gorkogo, 14

tel. +7 (903) 323-04-41

Preparation of business plans for enterprises of Makhachkala +7 903 323 04 41
Elaborate business plans and feasibility studies for the Russian entrepreneurs and enterprises to receive state support, investors and lending.
Prepare business plan for implementation in Makhachkala and Dagestan‘s production activities and services, prepare business projects for construction and business plans with calculations for the Dagestan enterprises.
Business planning for Makhachkala administrations and agencies, preparation of business-plans of investment projects for ministries, business owners, etc.
Examples: business plan for the development of the Russian agricultural enterprises to credit in the Bank, the business plan of shop and open a cafe in the city of Makhachkala.
Implemented writing a business plan for the reconstruction of a poultry farm production of table eggs, justified the investment project food enterprises in Makhachkala, made a financial plan with all the calculations of the construction project in the city of Makhachkala rise housing.
Feasibility study and business plan of the camp and sanatorium, horticultural farms in the Republic of Dagestan, carried out the urgent preparation of a business plan to attract Makhachkala processing plant third-party investment, the investment Creamery and dairy farm, feasibility study cold storage facility and warehouse, prepared a business plan construction company business project organization of production of construction materials, in a short time composed a business plan for a Bank – study of the project on construction of a rabbit breeding complex, and other business projects.
Read more about the development and creation of a business plan:
You can find out the cost of developing in Makhachkala business plan, or to submit an application for business planning to address

Actual on 01.01.2018
The chief accountant
Makhachkala, TOTs "Grand Plaza", str. Batyraya, 11, s

tel. 8 (928) 670-11-66

Center for accounting "accountant"
Accounting services
Statement of accounting
Restoration of accounting
Maintain areas of accounting
Personnel records, payroll
Zero reports
Reports of the FIU,the FSS on

Actual on 01.01.2018
Sigma-Konsalting, OOO
Makhachkala, pr-t Imama Shamilya, 76A, 3 etazh, str.

tel. +7 (960) 418-41-85

OOO "Sigma-Consulting" provides accounting services for commercial and non-commercial organizations, individual entrepreneurs. Provide the following types of services for issues of accounting and taxation:
- Registration of LLC,PI.
- Making changes.
- Conducting accounting of the organization.
- Development of provisions on accounting and tax accounting.
- HR administration (orders on hiring and firing of employees, contracts, job descriptions).
- Accrual and payroll
- The organization of Bank and cash accounting.
- Preparation and maintenance of accounting balance.
- Compiling and maintaining registers and other statutory reporting.
- Preparation and submission of all types of reporting to tax authorities and Funds.
- Working with primary documentation, registration of powers of attorney, credit and debit invoices and cash orders.
- Preparation of expense reports, preparation of reconciliation acts.
- Preparation of cost charts, cost calculation of finished products.
- Control of cash, inventory, accounting, mutual settlements, control of payables and receivables.
- Maintain all required log books.
- Drafting of contracts, collection of documents for the lending organization.
Tax and management accounting.
- Tax matters of the organization.
- Restoration of accounting for past periods.
- Conducting inventories.
- Estimated case.
- Examination of project documentation for construction of the facility
- Sale and installation of online CCP in accordance with 54-FZ
- Sales and installation for sending statements
- Admission of SRO
- Implementation and maintenance of programs 1C:Enterprise, 1C:Trade and warehouse, 1C:managing a small firm.(Production);1C:Salary and personnel;
- Reporting to the head of.
A complete list of services can be found by calling us at the number provided.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Association Of Electronic Trading Platforms ...
Makhachkala, 367000, ave. Gamidova, 6

tel. +7 (988) 466-60-61
Actual on 01.01.2018



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