Stroymarket, Baza Stroitel‘nykh materialov. Makhachkala, Russia

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Company Stroymarket for 15 years on the market and during that time has successfully established itself as a reliable supplier of building materials for the average consumer and the large companies of Dagestan, and as a base of building materials with a wide range of products at affordable prices.

What caused this success? First and foremost, the details well thought-out and carefully implemented marketing strategy. The priorities of the company Stroymarket — direct work with producers, a bet on high quality products (all products in the catalog, is recommended for use by the leading industry professionals and have the necessary certificates and permits), permanent monitoring of the market and the most relevant areas, as well as a minimum margin on most materials.

Our mission is to make the process of buying building materials, simple and clear
On this website You can find information about our company products and services.

In our work we try to apply a personal approach to clients, with each client builds up the individual scheme of work - the system of discounts.


Dagestan Republic
Makhachkala city

Rayon UZK, str. Severnaya promyshlennaya

tel. 8 (928) 590-33-66
tel. 8 (8722) 69-26-27
Actual on 01.01.2018