Mozd Tehnology. Moscow, Russia

Views: 91
In comparison with any other manufacturer of our equipment safer, more durable and efficient. In addition, we are chemical carpet cleaning for almost ten years! Selling your equipment, we are ready to offer a decision on opening a new business or upgrading an old one. We share all the secrets for carpet cleaning, tell them about errors that accomplished, we ourselves and our colleagues, and we do it in order that you not step on the same rake. We take full responsibility for our production, and provide technical support and warranty on all parts.

With the equipment for washing of carpets you will need from 7 to 15 minutes to wash the carpet with a width of 2.5 meters and a length of 4 meters (10 sq m). After extraction and rinsing with the help of our centrifuge for carpets and apparatus for drying carpets within three days you will be able to return your customer dry and clean product.
On our website are high quality, fast equipment. Hurry up to upgrade your business before your competitors. The business related to the chemical cleaning of carpets, spread around the world. It is no secret that right work brings success and good profit.

tel. +7(977)600-35-35

Actual on 07.12.2017