Killomania. Moscow, Russia

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We help employees and companies increase sales through professional sales training. Using the right techniques and technologies in conversations with Clients can work wonders. Our mission is to help people quickly gain knowledge and skills that will improve their present and future. We live by the principle “either do it well, or don’t do it at all”. We welcome the work done in good faith and say "no" to any hack work. We live by the principle “Do as you want to be treated. Don't do what you don't want for yourself. We keep our word and keep our promises. We know how to admit our mistakes and apologize. We do not cheat and do not sell what Clients do not need for our own benefit. We live by the principle "Everything that is released by our company must be of the best quality." We ourselves set high standards to always meet them. We do not accept work, under any circumstances, if it does not meet the quality criteria. We live by the principle “it is better to spend time creating something than to spend it destroying”. We do not destroy someone else's, for our own benefit. We do not scold someone else's, we create our own. We live by the principle "Our glass is half full, not half empty." We find the positive in everything. We are not sad for no reason. We see opportunities in any difficulties, not difficulties in opportunities. At the same time, we always soberly assess the situation and do not put on rose-colored glasses.


Moscow City
Moscow city

4th Samotchny per., 9

tel. +74951285565
Actual on 14.06.2023