Charitable non-profit Foundation "Eternal values" provides various assistance to the elderly and to the elderly, veterans and the elderly, who are in difficult life situations, implementing a comprehensive program for the solution of social problems of organization of life of elderly people.
The main activities of the Foundation:
Organization and implementation of targeted assistance to elderly and sick people, as well as being in a difficult life situation;
The introduction of integrated programmes, organization and support of activities aimed at socio-medical rehabilitation of the elderly, veterans;
Guardianship, assistance in organization and support of activities of private pensions for elderly people, homes for veterans;
Building a coordinated work with the Department of social protection of population of Moscow and Moscow region, with Government bodies of the Russian Federation;
Actively work with charities, parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church and volunteer organizations, cooperation with organizations and forums working on the issue of family preservation and family values;
Interaction with leading gerontologists, recognized experts and renowned doctors from Russia and Abroad.
Charitable Foundation "Eternal values" has been operating, forming a comprehensive approach to solving problems related to problems of elderly people in the country: support for private pensions, socialization for the elderly, assistance for lonely elderly people, promotion of active ageing, family and the eternal human values – compassion, care, relationship of generations. The Foundation has programs aimed at solving problems, the scope of which is defined problematic issues in the segment of social relations the elderly