Views: 38

Many stories told, many of the assumptions put forward, the same is true.
It all started back in 1996...When the head of State‘s office and nearby offices began to vandalize rats. Traditional methods to get rid of them did not succeed.

Concerned about the problem, the Chief sanitary doctor of the Moscow Kremlin appealed to the Chief sanitary doctor of Moscow with a complaint about rats in the building of the Kremlin.

That, in turn, decided to enlist the help of specialists of the Military engineering Academy. Kuybysheva.

Specialists conducted a series of tests and consultations with specialists-biologists and proposed solutions used in the First building of the Moscow Kremlin. The effectiveness of the system has proven its value, research activity in this direction continued. Conducted pilot experiments to study the behavioral characteristics of rodents, consultation on these matters with experts and the perseverance of the team in this direction gave a great result - rodents left the items one by one.

To test served the entire city, elements of the system were improved, equipment was acquired patents, a positive result only spurred obsessed with the perfectionism of the creators of the system until they "gasped" and said "We know all about rats! And can guarantee their absence!"

So, in 1999, there appeared a system of rodent control, later dubbed PDS the rooms that are - protective deratization system. Efficient, cost effective, easy to use and easy to handle.

Later was organized by OOO"PDS the rooms that are".

The company still conducts research activities and provides advanced engineering solutions. System PDS the rooms that are equipped more than 10,000 objects! It houses administrative buildings preschool and educational institutions, restaurants, shops, hospitals, shopping malls and stadiums. The geography of the company includes Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe and continues to expand.

LLC"PDS the rooms that are" also involved in the development and implementation of systems of ventilation, electric shock security systems new generation CCTV systems and fire alarm systems, the implementation of the dispatching.

Website: http://www.ozds.moscow/
E-mail: sanproru@gmail.com
Phone organizations on sanitation, LLC "PDS the rooms that are" +7 (499) 990-01-43


Moscow City
Moscow city

117437, str. Akademika Artsimovicha, 9

tel. +7 (499) 990-01-43

Actual on 01.01.2018