Kindergarten half-day "pochemuchka" family center "Vesta". Moscow, Russia

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Family center "Vesta" has been successfully operating since 2002 on the author‘s own practice aimed at the full and harmonious development of children.
There are more than 10 areas of developing classes for kids from 1 year to 7 years.
Among the most popular, of course, playing with mom in the group "Milk" for babies from 1 year to 3 years, where children get their first knowledge and skills about the world and learn to interact with other guys in the group and teachers. The classes are accompanied by live music, which contributes to the harmonious development of the child.
Every day from Monday to Friday at the centre there is a mini kindergarten "pochemuchka" (for children from 2.5 to 6 years).
In each group no more than 12 people, with them constantly can find 2 of a teacher.
The center is equipped with video surveillance system, is security.
On subjects developed in accordance with the age of the children and designed for the whole academic year.
Special attention in the kindergarten is paid to psychological comfort, that is why every day we conduct psychological trainings and role-playing games that develop children‘s communication skills, the ability to see and hear each other, Express their feelings and thoughts.
Training create a positive and friendly atmosphere in the group and role-play games develop the essential quality for school – self-regulation – a child‘s understanding of the difference between "want" and "need".
All teachers of the centre "Vesta" have high qualification, high education and vast experience.
For children 3 years and older we offer classes in music, dance, theater and various art studios such as the "Sand world", "Finger paintings", "world discoveries" and others.
In the family center "Vesta" consultations and individual sessions with an experienced psychologist and a speech therapist.


Moscow City
Moscow city

str. Hromova, 7/1

tel. +7 (499) 168-29-14
tel. +7 (499) 168-70-83
Actual on 01.01.2018