Kindergarten harmonious development of the "Flowers of life" located on the beautiful site where there is a birch grove, Apple orchard and a small farm of rabbits. Near the plot there is a forest where you can walk.
Our kindergarten is a place where the children are real children‘s lives, full of games, creativity and, at the same time, opportunities to learn from adults through imitation.
Taking care of the rabbits, the children work and gain experience of farming. This is their first small in the present case, raising the love of work and order.
We participate in national holidays together and study the native culture, and folklore. A calendar holidays children are preparing themselves: performing on stage, learning acting skills, becoming relaxed and free in front of the audience.
We plunge into the atmosphere of fairy tales - telling and showing their children. Very often the guys take the initiative in their own hands as authors and creators of their own stories, enriching their inner world ethics and morality.
Playing folk games on walks, children learn the now forgotten pastime games without toys.
Taking part in cooking and cleaning, the children learn independence, responsibility, and gratitude for what is on their Desk for other people‘s work.
Craft workshop
Folk Studio
The therapy
Calendar and national holidays
In the garden working groups:
1 group from 9.00 to 18.00 (the price 20000 rbl., 3 times per week 18000 RUB.)
group short stay from 9.00 to 13.30 (the cost was 12000 RUB.)
Mode of operation: from 9.00 to 18.00