Repair aquarium lights of all and any companies and any producer with any information.
Repair modernization and overhaul.
Replacement of faulty electrical , wiring , sockets and so on.
Repair and a thorough repair of lamps : Juwel, Biodesign, Aquatlantis, Jebo, Aquael, Tetra ,Ferplast, Aqua-plus, ARG, Jinlong Eheim, SunSun , Hagen, Brillux, Baolong, Anubias, aquarium designer, Aqua Nara SSB-Aqua, Jetwin , JinLong , Selaqui , Agua Medic , Akvaplyus , Arg , Xilong , Resun ,Anubias ,Arcadia , Giesmann , Resun and other firms aquariums Repair all improvised lids and lights for aquarium all others !
Lights for aquarium all firms repair Jebo , Juwel , Biodesign , Tetra ,SSB-AQUA , Selaqui ,Aquatlantis, and various other firms aquariums.
Extra lamps in the aquarium lights and cover the aquarium.
Custom aquarium lids and lamps for individual sizes.
Workshop on the underground the October field .
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