Moscow, Vozdvizhenka,, 10
tel. +7 (499) 350-41-63
Accounting support from 2,500 RUB/month
Reduce the costs of bookkeeping by up to 65% and surrender reporting just in time!
Our main advantages:
We will provide to you personally the cloud database 1C, not tied to one computer. Access to it you will have anywhere in the world from any computer, phone or tablet. At any time you can log in and check the status of your accounts.
We know that in the XXI century and use all digital technology for your convenience, to reduce costs and save your time.
We will allocate you a personal server you can upload documents and share with your accountant.
* Calculation of financial results of Your activities, taxes and fees
* Managing the banking and cash transactions
* Preparation and submission of reports to regulatory authorities
* Drafting and conclusion of contracts with employees
* Support customer number and transaction passport on the import/export contracts
* Preparation and confirmation of the documents in Currency control of Bank