School of modern photography. Moscow, Russia

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School of modern photography at the TRO Soyuz fotokhudozhnikov Rossii - exists since 2005, specializiruetsya on education in the field of copyright, creative photography and video.
We, together with the teachers of Moscow state University, TSU, "the Union of Pictorialists of Russia", masters of documentary and art photography, joined in their educational programs experience classic photography and modern freshness. Our task is to show people how, with the help of photos, you can touch the source of creativity which is in every man. Opening the source, we begin to see and perceive the world, changing yourself for the better and making brighter the world around them. We are deeply convinced that life without creativity is wasted time. Photography in the modern world, the only affordable form of art for most people, a means of expressing their feelings, thoughts and ideas. We show how to use a tool - the camera, for the implementation of their plans.
To Express themselves through photography, you must know the "language of images", we teach our students the basics and principles of the language. Owning a "language of images" you can create a short and succinct photo-phrases and deep and wide photo-poems. Without a doubt, photography is one of the most widespread Hobbies all over the world. It attracts newcomers with their apparent simplicity and professionals - unlimited possibilities. Interest in photography is growing, and a growing number of people who choose a means of self-realization and disclosure of their creative potential, this form of contemporary art.
Our address: Moscow, 1-ya ulitsa bukhvostova 12/11 D. body 53 (metro Preobrazhenskaya square, 1 min from metro)
Phone: 89264747496


Moscow City
Moscow city

1-ya str. Buhvostova, 12/11, korpus 53 (

tel. +7 (926) 474-74-96

Actual on 01.01.2018