"MOSGAZ" is created in accordance with the Order of the Department of energy and power on September 24, 1992 No. 89 in the reorganization (transformation) of previously existing city of the Moscow production Association "Mosgaz".
The founder of the company is the city of Moscow represented by the city property Department of Moscow. The company is in departmental submission of Department of fuel and energy of Moscow. The official abbreviated name of the Enterprise "MOSGAZ".
Currently, OJSC "MOSGAZ" operates 7590 km of networks‘ transportorul about 25 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Provides gas to about 2000 industrial enterprises‘ 15 CHP, more than 70 regional and quarter thermal stations ‘1‘9 million apartments with a population of over 4 million.
Range of services‘ which is OJSC "MOSGAZ" covers almost all directions‘ associated with the gas supply of Moscow‘ exploitation‘ reconstruction‘ and repair of gas facilities in the capital and many others. For the convenience of users of the services are divided into two groups. The first group of services for legal entities, the second for physical.