"The Institute of Contemporary NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Currently, the Institute of Contemporary NLP is one of the main centers of the NLP Community in Russia and adheres to training NLP a Single Standard of Quality of teaching NLP that is supported by the European Community of NLP.
1. Institute of NLP specializiruetsya in the elite of NLP. We bring an individual approach in learning NLP and refuse from the mass ""stamping"" listeners.
2. The NLP Institute is the only organization in Russia, directly continuing the school of R. Bandler in its entirety and using the elements of all modern developments R. Bandler (NHR, SHE, DHE) in their programs.
3. Our trainers have a high level of basic and special education and a wide range of experience in business, politics and psychology. They are charming, cheerful and charismatic.
4. During the training, we form the core of the training that is not bound to the narrow context management, ads, PR, etc., thereby developing the students to have the freedom and ease of use of the skills of NLP and DHE in any sphere of life and activity.
5. Our custom program is unique and aimed at personal development, achievement of desired changes and creative modeling of their life. Some of the author‘s programs open to a wide range of students the techniques of the Russian special services.