Intellectual capital. Moscow, Russia

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Law firm "Intellectual capital" was founded in 2007. Patent law office of the legal company "Intellectual capital" was established to protect trademarks, brands, logos, prevent their illegal use. But over time, registration of trademarks added services for registration and protection of other intellectual property.
To date, Patent law, the Bureau is almost a decade of experience registration for all intellectual property objects: inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, appellations of origin, computer programs, databases and topographies of integrated circuits and copyright. Our lawyers have vast experience representing our clients in the Chamber for patent disputes, CIP (CIPD) and the FAS. Our company has partners in most countries of the world, among them the leading and largest law firms and firms of patent attorneys. This allows us to represent our clients ‘ interests abroad.


Moscow City
Moscow city

119435, Bolshoy Savvinskiy pereulok, 1

tel. +7 (495) 780-48-25
tel. 720-40-70
Actual on 01.01.2018