Delivery of goods to your business in Moscow and the Moscow region for the price of 1490 rubles per point.
Our cars can hold 4 cubic meters of goods, weighing not more than 1 ton. It‘s the perfect format, allowing to freely enter the center of Moscow to deliver fast and convenient. One machine can travel up to 12 points per day.
The company "SIN-TRANS" carries out cargo delivery in Russia using various types of transport with the capacity up to 120 tons. We provide all types of services in insurance, loading, unloading, warehousing, the provision of construction machinery rental.
Regardless of the type of cargo and route, every customer is important to us. In the selection of transport and transport conditions, specialists of the "SIN-TRANS" offers the best solutions, develop the scheme of repetition, prepares the goods before shipping, provide insurance services and warehouse accommodation.
Cargo delivery to Norilsk.
In the network in the search result displays a huge number of sites with suggestions: "container transportation in Norilsk or Norilsk in transportation". In practice, there are just only a handful of companies who really are able to organize transportation to Norilsk to the city and its satellites: Kayerkan, Oganer, Talnakh. And even fewer key transportation companies operating at all sea ports of transshipment in the complex (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Krasnoyarsk, Dudinka). Transport company "INES" is one of these companies. Our company provides a full range of logistics services and forwarding of cargoes with the subsequent issuance of the goods to the customers in the city of Norilsk and Dudinka. In Norilsk Industrial District has no Railways or highways. All shipments from Krasnoyarsk travel in summer from the river port of Krasnoyarsk on the Yenisei river. The Northern Sea Route (NSR) are year-round shipments from the port of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. The exception is the period from mid-may to mid-June, during the flood.