Intermec. Moscow, Russia

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The company “General Thermik” was established in 1997. Since 2003 began to develop the direction in the sale of sanitary engineering and designing heating systems for boilers and heating units, water systems and ventilation. The company “General Thermik” has participated at exhibitions of AKVATERM, SHK and others. Currently (2016), the company is one of the leading in the market of sanitary engineering. Our clients in the design of heating and water supplying systems are organizations such as Alfa insurance, a network of restaurants Babay-Klab, etc.
We enter into contracts for servicing boilers, heating units, heating systems, air conditioning, ventilation.


Moscow City
Moscow city

41 km MKAD stroitelnaya Yarmarka Melnits

tel. +7 (495) 765-01-95
tel. +7 (495) 642-27-88
Actual on 01.01.2018