The Junior school Expeditions travelers. Moscow, Russia

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Children‘s school of travelers "Junior Expeditions" (Junior Expeditions) is a national travel project to bring children (3-12 years old) to a healthy lifestyle and acquire new knowledge through interaction with nature, sports, travel-classes and participation in an exciting sports-scientific travels and expeditions.
Every Sunday is the fun and sports a 1.5 hour journey to nature, by which children receive both practical knowledge in geography, history, neurologie, physical and chemical processes of our planet, and the practical skills of life support in various climatic conditions. All classes are held in the format of children‘s sports-scientific quests with a full drive out of the city into the countryside.


Moscow City
Moscow city

str. Hovoslobodskaya, 20

tel. 8 (800) 100-39-90
Actual on 01.01.2018