UCMAS international children‘s center. Moscow, Russia

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UCMAS (Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System) is a unique programme for the development of mental abilities of children from 4 to 12 years, based on oral accounts.

The program was launched in Asia in 1993. Today there are about 5000 of UCMAS centers in more than 52 countries, the most active in Malaysia, Canada, USA, UK, Austria, Spain, Australia, Thailand, China and the Middle East.

This highly effective program for holistic development of the intellect has received international recognition. It was created in order to help the child develop his intellectual abilities, using mental math as the main tool and indicator of future success in the development of children‘s thinking.


Moscow City
Moscow city

Staraya Basmannaya str., 6, str. 6

tel. +7 (495) 740-30-67

Actual on 01.01.2018