Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 80 building 17
tel. +74952122213
LLC "Ekonatsproekt-AKMT" is a manufacturer and supplier of equipment in the field of waste and non-metallic materials management, and the official dealer of PRONAR in Russia.
We offer equipment and integrated technological solutions in the field of waste management of our own production, as well as equipment from leading world brands.
The product range is represented by the following types of equipment:
• Waste shredders/shredders
• Drum screeners / screens
• Compost turners
• Mobile belt conveyors
• Stationary conveyors
• Waste presses
• Garbage trucks
In achieving the goal, we rely on the best domestic and world experience and have a wide range of technological solutions that allow us to effectively use waste as a material or energy resource.
We have rich experience in the supply of both individual units of equipment and in the construction of turnkey plants and strive to take a leading position in the Russian market.