Legacy, school of the arts. Moscow, Russia

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In the amazingly beautiful place of Moscow, between Moscow river and Borisov ponds is a unique and the architecture and contents of the building "Heir", which included the secondary school, Art school, kindergarten. The school is headed by doctor of education Lyubov Dukhanina.

Today we present to your attention the Art school "Naslednik", the objective of which is to educate the need to see around themselves the beauty of the world and to teach children to make this world more beautiful.
School "Naslednik", the pupils of the art Studio to create their masterpieces in a unique Studio with a transparent dome, which took the place of the ceiling. In the stream of daylight are lessons on painting. Children are immersed in a world of spatial imagination, acquire the basics of color vision, learn different techniques and ways of painting. The pupils of our Studio has won many certificates for high achievements in the field of fine arts, and their work is represented in the school gallery.

Every child is your way talented. Each little man has a unique voice. Teachers vocal school "Naslednik" help to open up the natural musicality of the child. Pop singing has a special place in modern music, in children and adolescents this art is of great interest. It is worth noting that the subject "pop singing" involves learning not only the correct and beautiful performance of works in this genre, but also the ability to work with microphone, possession of stage movement and acting skills.
Teachers vocal Studio recording of the pupils in our professional recording Studio. This is an opportunity for your child to document your work and become owner of your own drive.
Young singers of the school "Naslednik" are winners of prestigious international competitions. Studio of dance students of the dance Studio of the Art school "Naslednik" learning music and dance nature art, actively participate in a formal dance competition at the Moscow Dancesport Federation and are the winners of the competitions. The instrumental Department.


Moscow City
Moscow city

Borisovskie prudy, 19

tel. 340-43-80

Actual on 01.01.2018