Resultatives. Moscow, Russia

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Veterinary service "Resultatives" performs euthanasia of animals at home, transportation of deceased animals cremation - Common or individual.

Pet owners may at any time call a veterinary doctor to sedate cats or dogs dogs, or to fence the body of the deceased pet in the cremation.

Our goal is to assist pet owners in the difficult situation of parting with a beloved cat or dog, getting rid cats and dogs of their painful sufferings, and burial of animals by General or individual cremation.

Our employees help the animal to "go away" quietly and painlessly with a decent burial of his body.

If the result of the hopeless illness of a pet You have to decide to stop unmerited suffering of your four-legged friend, do not hesitate, You can contact us at any time of the day or night by phone: 8(495) 211-87-67 - around the clock.

Our staff will come to your aid


Moscow City
Moscow city

str. Kirpichnye Vyemki, 2

tel. +7 (495) 211-87-67
tel. +7 (964) 567-15-55
Actual on 01.01.2018