Legal services:
Legal entities:
Arbitration disputes
Debt repayment
Corporate disputes
Real estate transactions
Reduction of cadastral cost
Legal services
Litigation in the courts
Housing disputes
Insurance disputes
A lawyer by accident
Consumer protection
Division of marital property
A lawyer by inheritance
A criminal lawyer
I have enough experience allowing me to successfully conduct civil and arbitration cases of various categories and complexity. More than eighty percent of completed cases with my participation ended in a positive result.
To my clients I offer practical and effective solutions, tailored to the individual characteristics of the particular legal situation. Professional knowledge and rich legal practice and experience allows me to competently assess the prospects for civil cases, and effectively protect the rights and legitimate interests of the principal.
The lawyer on civil cases has extensive powers established by Federal law "On advocate activity and advocacy in Russian Federation".
Procedural powers of attorney listed in article 54 of the Civil procedure code of the Russian Federation.
In a civil case the lawyer performs the functions of a representative of the plaintiff, defendant, applicant or a third party. The lawyer can participate in the hearing together with the client, and independently.
Only after examining all the circumstances of the case, counsel is able to assess a possible claim or possible objections to them.
In my work, I obey the rules of professional ethics and adhere to professional confidentiality.
Turning to me, You get the qualified legal assistance of a lawyer in civil cases in Moscow.
"Accountant.RF" – your reliable assistant in business. We employ highly qualified accountants, lawyers, marketers, business consultants. Competency, experience and professionalism allow us to solve current issues in the field of accounting, tax planning, corporate law, commercial law, Analytics, enterprise management promptly and efficiently.
"Accountant.Russia" offers a wide range of specialized services:
- legal support;
- accounting support;
- integrated support of business, ensuring each project human resources;
- consulting services;
- one-time services and options.
Attention! Promotion!
First month of service for Free!
Connection to the system of electronic reporting for Free!
Registration of company or entrepreneur for Free!
Anti-monopoly, tax and customs disputes. Risk analysis of contracts and business schemes. Bankruptcy. Legal support of joint ventures and investment projects in the industry based on public-private partnerships.
The provision of qualified legal assistance on a professional basis, having a specific procedural and legal status, broad powers to individuals and legal entities to protect their rights, freedoms and interests, as well as access to justice.