Lettico. Moscow, Russia

Views: 8

You have decided to trim their pet or to provide proper care?
You decide to dress up or to protect it from bad weather?
You are interested in stylish and quality clothing at reasonable prices?
You found exactly what you need.
Our pet grooming welcomes You!
We have collected the latest collections from the world of canine fashion, which is constantly updated and we are pleased to present a wide range of products for animals, namely clothing, footwear, all kinds of accessories for your favorite little cetarehhloristam.
In the catalog You can find clothes for animals "on all occasions", as shoes for any weather, and depending on the case.
If You from your pet or home, on the street or in transport, in everyday or festive atmosphere – Your pet will be irresistible.
Also we are able to offer a wide range of products from the house or laganosky to sanitary napkins for the pet to keep him comfortable as the "Big world" of Your home and comfortable on a trip or journey.
Clothing for dogs is not only a individuality, but also to protect Your little angel.


Moscow City
Moscow city

105037, str. Hikitinskaya, 8, k. 1

tel. +7 (499) 677-66-06

Actual on 01.01.2018