Kadastr PLYUS. Mytishchi, Russia

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Cadastral organization "the CADASTRE PLUS"
The main activity of the company "the CADASTRE PLUS" is the cadastral registration of various real estate objects:

residential building
nonresidential building
engineering communications
construction in progress
Collateral activity is the performance of land surveying examinations.
In 2011, the company combined the experienced and professional specialists, who are in the same group working to this day.

All employees have specialized education and work experience more than 12 years. The friendly team of the company works as a cohesive mechanism, performing under an hour complex and very complex tasks.

Taking your order, the company "the CADASTRE PLUS" takes full responsibility for its implementation and guarantees a successful cadastral registration of your property.


Moscow Oblast
Mytishchi city

str. Karla Marksa, 4, str. 511

tel. +7 (495) 729-34-26

Actual on 01.01.2018