Service centers, Service centers of Naberezhnye Chelny

Service centers, Service centers :

Total items: 641, Views: 402542
Center Of Car Seat Cover
Naberezhnye Chelny, Trubnyy proezd, 22/11

tel. +7 (906) 116-82-80
Actual on 01.01.2018
Naberezhnye Chelny, 22 kompleks, 6a

tel. +7 (960) 068-70-01

Painting, body repair, polishing, anticorrosive and stone chip treatment, preparation for sale, bumper repairs, tinting, car audio, noise and vibration, car alarm, accessories and more...

You can contact us for any question, we will reply You provide competent advice. You are always the specialists of our service center.
Accurate calculation of the cost of the service is done by a specialist after inspection of the vehicle, based on the extent of damage, complexity of the repair and the color of the car.
We always take into account Your desires, meet to resolve any issues.

+7 (960) 068-70-01
+7 (927) 241-15-26

HOURS: 8:00 - 20:00

Russia, Republic Of Tatarstan,
the city of Naberezhnye Chelny,
22 complex, 6A
(the territory of the Parking lot
Plzeň GCDT)

Try your skills at painting a car, we advise you not to, because otherwise You risk to make serious mistakes that will be difficult to fix even the team of intelligent artists. Another thing is to trust your car do those who are engaged in body painting and detail a car professionally. One of these professionals working in automotive repair is AVTOATELE GROUP.

The claimed status AVTOATELE GROUP also secured its convenient location in the city that provides a quick vehicle inspection and consultation.
Accurate calculation of the cost of the service is done by a specialist after inspection of the vehicle, based on the extent of damage, complexity of the repair and the color of the car.

Turning to us, You will receive a high level of craftsmanship of our professionals with experience in this field more than 7 years, who are constantly improving skills, as evidenced by the certificates. They use only the latest technologies, are acquainted with lots of techniques and also know how to use any kind of paint material.

We use modern and high-tech consumables and equipment from leading manufacturers to achieve high quality work: SATA, DeVilbiss, Sikkens, DuPont, 3M, 4CR, Mirka. Because of this, we get the minimum consumption of materials.
We use color matching technology, which allows you to get an absolute color match inks, the recipe of which is similar to the factory.
To make high-quality painting and drying of body parts of a vehicle can modern painting-drying chamber, greatly accelerating all processes. The camera provides high quality ventilation, air heating up to working temperature, equipped with input and output filter. Lamps allow you to control the process of painting the hard to reach places.
In addition, auto painting in our Studio under the technology requires special knowledge and skills.

We produce work so that the borders and transitions between the factory and our floors are missing. The repair becomes invisible even to a professional.
A guarantee of reliability, stability and high quality in the provision of the services. You can trust us. We reaffirm our reputation, as evidenced by the growing number of our customers.

We work to say about us! As a result the client is satisfied and wishes to continue to use the services and products of our company. Recommend us to your friends.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Max Style
Naberezhnye Chelny, Remontnyy pr-d, 8

tel. +7 (905) 370-53-56
Actual on 01.01.2018
Naberezhnye Chelny, Trubnyy pr-d, s7

tel. +7 (960) 058-16-90
Actual on 01.01.2018
Naberezhnye Chelny, str. Mashinostroitelnaya, 75a, korp.8, t

tel. +7 (917) 885-04-66
Actual on 01.01.2018
Naberezhnye Chelny, Trubnyy pr-d, 38/17

tel. +7 (917) 877-52-36
Actual on 01.01.2018
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