The city of flowers. Nazran, Russia

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"City of flowers" is the online store delivering flowers and bouquets for cities of Russia.
"City of flowers" tried to make the process of selecting and ordering flowers fast and easy. Make the right choice of bouquet and send flowers across Russia you can easily on our website. There you will find navigation bouquets, using which it is easy to choose the appropriate option:
- at a price
- colors for every taste
- composition (monovalency or a complex composition),
- on occasion, in whose honor are going to give flowers,
- the recipient (whether it‘s your close loved one, friend or just a colleague at work).
Also in case of absence in the directory of the right option, there is the possibility of a custom order. Describing your preferences and trusting our professionals, you can be sure, that your bouquet will be the most striking and pleasant gift to commemorate any event.
Each bouquet, made by our company, truly unique. Florists "City of flowers" every day, 24/7 put their hearts into their work, you are his floral gift to please the loved ones.
In addition to flower surprises we offer beautiful cards, cute soft toys, sweets and chocolate. You can add them to a floral arrangement itself, or to present separately.
Ordering can be done round the clock hot line 8 800 250 53 02 from any city of Russia.


Ingushetia Republic
Nazran city

386101, str. Kartoeva, 154

tel. 8 (800) 250-53-02
Actual on 01.01.2018