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The main objectives of our company are:

— production of expertise and research, respecting the independence of the expert, objectivity, completeness and comprehensiveness of the studies using the latest achievements of science and technology at the request of courts, interior Ministry, justice Ministry, SU RF IC, on behalf of the notaries and officials entitled to the appointment of examinations;

— conduct appraisal activities for natural and legal persons, including the valuation of real estate, machines, equipment, transport, material and non-material assets, business, intellectual property;

— implementation of legal support.


In our work, we clearly follow the principles of:
- providing complete information about all ongoing services;
- provide qualified consulting, valuation and expert assistance to each client;
- creation of a friendly atmosphere;
- build long-term partnerships;
- confidentiality.

Our employees are true professionals who are at a high professional level comprehensively, objectively, qualitatively and in time will conduct the examination, evaluate Your property, business.
The main purpose of LLC "ESIN" is the strict observance of the rights of a legal entity, personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen, by conducting objective and independent examinations and investigations for carrying out evaluation activities, the compilation on the basis of the research a qualified report.

For more information You can contact us by phone: +7 (930) 283-00-32, +7 (930) 283-00-12, +7 (499) 391-13-37. Our specialists are ready individually to provide You with information about the nature of the work performed to elaborate on the issues resolved in the framework of expertise and expert research at any time convenient for You.

The list of examinations conducted in our company:

• Building technical expertise;

• Linguistic expertise;

• Handwriting examination;

• Phonoscopic examination;

• Computer and technical expertise;

• Commodity expertise;

• Technical expertise;

• Examination of the video recording;

• Psychological examination;

• Economic expertise;

• Forensic technical examination of documents;

• Examination of electrical appliances;

• Fire and technical expertise;

• Examination of products from metals;

• Examination of safety;

• Avtozavodskaya examination;

• Legal linguistic expertise;

• Environmental assessment.


A list of evaluation services provided by the company:

• evaluation of real estate;

• evaluation of machines (determining market value), transport equipment;

• assessment of the damage caused by the accident, accident or other damages;

• evaluation of business;

• assessment of the trademark;

• valuation of intellectual property.


List of other services:

• advising on the appointment of the examination or assessment;

• peer review of conclusions;

• the interpretation of terminology of a particular examination;

• legal assistance.


Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
Nizhny Novgorod city

603000, str. Studenaya, 58

tel. 8 (831) 283-00-32
tel. 283-00-12

Actual on 01.01.2018