Nizhny Novgorod, 603074,
Sormovskoe shosse, 1b
tel. 8 (831) 257-79-70
The company "Plastfaktor" established in 1995, and today is a leading producer of modular floor coverings made of PVC.
Today, producing products under the trademarks Sensor, Factor, Avers, Optima, etc., it holds a strong position in the Russian market. All floor coverings "Plastfaktor" fast-oil-petrol-resistant, chemically inert, environmentally friendly and absorb noise and vibration. Quality flooring is confirmed by the necessary certificates and licenses. Products of LLC "Plastfaktor" implements 32 of the partner company on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the Center of Commercial Coatings (G. N. Novgorod)