Refrigerator repair. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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We repair refrigerators from the following manufacturers: AEG, Ardo, Ariston, Bosch, Candy, Daewoo, Electrolux Frigidaire , general electric , Indesit, Kaiser, LG, Samsung, Sharp, Siemens, whirlpool, Vestfrost, Whirlpool, Zanussi, Atlant, Biryusa river, ZIL, Minsk, Peace, Nord, Oka, Ufa, Saratov and others.
By calling, You give the name of the fridge, the nature of the fault, address, telephone numbers and a convenient time to come to you master.
The dispatcher will tell You the cost of diagnosis and exact cost of refrigerator repair can be determined only after the technical inspection of the refrigerator.
The wizard will diagnose faults and then call the final cost of repairing the refrigerator, taking into account the required parts and components.
If the cost of repair of refrigerator You are not satisfied, You pay only for the diagnostics.
Warranty repairs and parts. we go to all areas of the city. Working seven days a week. Inexpensive with a warranty.


Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
Nizhny Novgorod city

ave. Lenina, 25

tel. 8 (920) 253-82-54
Actual on 01.01.2018