Of the pipe shell production plant NN. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Of the pipe shell production plant NN sells tubular steel. Diameters: pipe 159: 159х5, 159х6, 159х7 pipe 219: 219х6, 219х7, 219х8; pipe 273: 273х6, 273x8, 273х9, 273х10; pipe 325: 325х6, 325х7, 325х8, 325х10; pipe 377: 377х6, 377х7, 377х8, 377х9, 377х10; pipe 426: 426х6, 426х7, 426x8, 426х10; trumpet 530: 530х6, 530х7, 530х8, 530х9, 530х10; pipe 630: 630х7, 630х8, 630х9, 630х10; pipe 720: 720х7, 720х8, 720х9, 720х10, 720х12; pipe 820: 820х8, 820х9, 820х10, 820х12; pipe 1020: 1020х10, 1020х12, 1020х14; pipe 1220: 1220х10, 1220х12, 1220х14, 1220х16; pipe 1420: 1420х10, 1420х12, 1420х15,7. Sells tubular products for the price and the cost of the pipes in economically feasible limits for this segment of the market positions of the availability of warehouse and under the order: welded steel pipe new steel pipe welded machine pipe electrically welded steel restored. Have the opportunity to supply steel pipe both road and railway transport.

We can buy a new steel pipe, buy steel pipe machine, buy steel pipe with state, buy pipe seamless, pipe foam insulation, pipe VSL (with a very heavy insulation), the surplus stock of companies whose characteristics are not inferior to the new electrically welded steel pipes, but significantly gain in value with the equivalent choice. Additionally, we sell at affordable prices restored pipe diameters 159, 273, 325, 377, 426, 530, 630, 720, 820, 1020, 1220, 1420 mm, which is also widely found their application in such areas where the quality of the steel pipe falls into the background, but further it will allow to solve many design tasks such as pipe for piles pipes under the covers, under pipe supports, road punctures, metallokonstruktsii, pipes, flues, slurry pipelines, sleeves, pontoons, a drainage, drill pipe, screw piles, the poles of the fence, casing pipes, etc.


Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
Nizhny Novgorod city

603147, str. Yuliusa Fuchika, 60

tel. +7 (831) 259-35-44 +7 (920) 25

Actual on 01.01.2018