Professionalism, quick delivery, comfortable road to the end point and reasonable prices are our principles in the sphere of carriage of passengers and provision of dispatch services, which we are always faithful. See for yourself the quality of our services !
The cost per km: 90 rubles for 3 miles then 15P/km
Out of town: 20,0 rubles/km (-50% on return trip)
Taxi-NN provides You a wide range of additional services:
Pre order: 50 rubles (the machine will provide in time)
Pet transportation: free
Corporate taxi: individual payment terms
Luggage (in the trunk hand Luggage): free
Baby seat: free
The expectation of the client at home – for free (10 minutes)
We are In Contact:
Company website:
Contacts: Nartova 9 . so 423-48-56, 413-86-94
Taxi: 4-111-000
To order a taxi, very easy! You call 4-111-000, according to where You are and the destination and you can rest assured that the car will be waiting for You after 5 - 15 minutes after ordering because the Taxi-NN – Your responsible and faithful companion in the city of Nizhny Novgorod and beyond!
The cost per km: 90 rubles for 3 miles then 15P/km
Rise : 45,0 RUB
The minimum cost of the trip: 90 € (up to 3 km)
Out of town: 20,0 RUB/km
Simple: 3 RUB/min