Sanitary Service ", Biotrix", office №11 in city Noginsk. Noginsk, Russia

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Today the world is influenced by a variety of pollutants that can be completely invisible to the human eye and almost imperceptible. However, they can cause tremendous harm to human health. The use of mass modern building materials of complex chemical composition for interior decoration, paints, furniture parts and many other substances that play a role in the space of human life, must necessarily be controlled, so as not to harm your health.

May order the implementation of such priorities is able to create a large number of problems for the functioning of the company or of human life.


Moscow Oblast
Noginsk city

str. Klyuchik, 3

tel. +7 (925) 407-37-57
tel. +7 (495) 363-87-20
tel. +7 (903) 002-82-30
Actual on 01.01.2018