Clinical-diagnostic center "Clinic 123" g Novorossiysk is receiving obstetrician, gynecologist, endocrinologist, urologist, andrologist, therapist, cardiologist, and other doctors. In Клиника123 in Novorossiysk you can go through ultrasound, MRI, ECG, ultrasound pelvis, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, breast ultrasound, comprehensive ultrasound in men, ECG with interpretation, a biopsy of the cervix
Qualified medical help:
a cardiologist, a beautician, a vascular surgeon, a neurologist, phlebologist, dermatologist, osteopath, surgeon, dermatologist, psychiatrist, urologist, therapist, pediatrician, proctologist, gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, ENT, audiologist, family doctor, internist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, dentist, massage therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist
Comprehensive examination:
Ultrasound(all kinds), ECG, daily monitoring of ECG and BP on the halter, Bicycle ergometry,colposcopy,sigmoidoscopy, cystoscopy, audiometry, refractometry, Dermoscopy.
All kinds of tests.
Therapeutic procedures:
-Medical rehabilitation after operations, injuries, strokes heart attacks.
Therapeutic and analgesic blockade.
-All types of injections and drip infusions.
-Hardware-software complex of magnetic therapy.
-Anti-STRESS program.
-Laser cleaning of the blood. Ion detoxification the body of toxins.
-Laser removal of"vascular asterisks", tumors of the skin and mucous membranes.
-Removal of tattoos.
All types of medical examinations:
For sailors to work in the traffic police, GIMS, weapons, pre-trip, in Universities, schools,kindergartens, swimming pools and others.
Our center is happy to provide You with a wide range of manual and injection cosmetology, makeup, figure correction, ozone therapy, osteopathy, psychotherapy. Also provide services in a safe and healthy method of weight loss for the unique method of Dr. Gavrilov!
We offer You to buy unique natural products "Nature Itself", which will be able to naturally restore Your health and wellbeing
The whole recovery system is based on unique techniques of visceral therapy Professor A. T. Ugulava, as well as on the basis of old Church Slavonic practices of healing, time-tested.
You can get the most effective and long lasting results in Your recovery and will be able to rest from all problems and worries with such unique programs as:
1. "Bath of health" in old Slavonic methods
2. Countryside recreation
3. Program of purification and recovery "Vacation health"
4. Massage: natural, honey, cupping, General, children‘s
center for restorative medicine Port Asteri
Diagnostic ophthalmology Department of the "Three-S" in Novorossiysk was opened in 2009.
The branch carries out its activities in the following areas:
A comprehensive examination of the visual system in modern equipment (produced by Japan, USA):
Primary diagnostic eye examination (definition of visual acuity, refractometry, biomicroscopy, fundus examination, tonometry, computer perimetry)
Repeated diagnostic eye examination, conducted in order to monitor the results of treatment from the 2nd to 6th month after initial diagnosis, from the 2nd to 6th month after surgery (determination of visual acuity, refractometry, ultrasonic biometry, tonometry, computer perimetry).
Diagnosis of eye diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, eye, myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
The advice of an experienced ophthalmologist.
The selection of glasses.
Free monitoring for 3 months after surgery in the clinic "tri-Z" Krasnodar.
For our patients we regularly organize a free Shuttle bus to Krasnodar in the clinic "tri-Z" to the surgery and back. Comfortable buses Iveco and Mercedes is equipped with everything needed for convenient travel: Central air conditioning, armchairs, TV, music (optional). Patients accompanied by a nurse who monitors the health, if necessary, digs eye drops. In Krasnodar, all patients are placed in the hotel where during the period of stay under the supervision of a nurse. After surgery in the clinic "tri-Z" all patients are entitled to free monitoring for 3 months (observation in any of the branches and representative offices of clinic "tri-Z").