Mir na ladoni, travel Agency. Novorossiysk, Russia

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Travel Agency "Mir na ladoni" provides a full range of tourist services – the selection, reservation and booking of tours, visas, air and railway tickets, booking of hotels, transfers from/to the airports of the Krasnodar region and more.
We work with all tour operators departing from Krasnodar and most popular destinations from Rostov and Moscow. We are always ready to give qualified advice to help to determine the choice of country and resort, hotel, tours and additional services to assist in organizing individual trips for every taste and budget. On your experience can you tell how to select the optimal price of the tour without compromising the quality of the hotel.
For sailors and not only in our Agency there are special conditions.
Watch out for special offers and promotions on our website.


Krasnodar Krai
Novorossiysk city

353922, str. Geroev-desantnikov, 30, s

tel. +7 (8617) 70-87-02

Actual on 01.01.2018