We also provide admission to the SRO, prepare the necessary documentation for carrying out construction, engineering and design activities. One day You will be able to join in SRO no matter what organizational form Your firm: LLC, CJSC, OJSC and also IE.
LLC "UTK – Steel" - the leading enterprise of wholesale and retail supply stainless steel products, among the top three metal traders of Russia.
The company supplies steel products to the enterprises of machine-building, chemical, power, construction and oil and gas industries of the Russian Federation and abroad.
The state center of testing of foreign citizens in the Russian language announces a test group of foreign nationals residing on the territory of Russia and abroad, Russian as a foreign language in the following areas:
1) Testing for citizenship of the Russian Federation
2) Comprehensive exam for obtaining a patent, RVP and vzh
Training and testing is carried out qualified Tutors NOU "Centre of Russian language studies AI culture", with special training in the Head testing center (Moscow state University, Moscow) and having a special identity of the testers.
People who successfully passed testing in the Russian language, a certificate of the international sample.