IRS. Novosibirsk, Russia

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The learning center IRS is an effective way to study the modern profession or deepen existing skills. The lessons in our training center are in several areas:
- marketing courses, including on the Internet;
courses web design;
- courses of interior design;
courses coding and programming;
courses smm;
- training pictures;
- training courses on contextual advertising;
training on SEO promotion;
courses videographers;
courses on site;
- training in copywriting and other areas.
The learning center created on the basis of the web-Studio "informacionnye resheniya Sibiri", one of the leading companies in the field of Internet development. Lessons learning center the IRS is designed for both beginners and professionals. In the classroom each student receives the maximum of practical skills underpinned by theoretical knowledge. Classes are conducted in small groups, and teachers are employees of our web Studio, with years of experience.


Novosibirsk Oblast
Novosibirsk city

630091, str. Krylova, 34/1, str. 2

tel. +7 (383) 375-26-99

Actual on 01.01.2018