Eco-Mall. Novosibirsk, Russia

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The first online store of living food.

To store environmental goods "Eco-Mall", we collect products from the best manufacturers:

organic food,
natural hygiene products,
eco-friendly products for the home,
products of cedar and medicinal creams ointments

Online shop "Eco-Mall", has combined the good and positive people in different cities of Russia.

More than 3 years each of us in the city was acquainted with the producers, studied the demand of customers. And now, as a result — the Internet resource.

All the products that we offer, we use ourselves (as opposed to store owners, many of whom do not eat what they sell us).

We have a lot of information you need to know everything. It is not merely curious and interesting is the question of our food security. And not only food. You must be competent in the selection of cosmetics, household chemicals.

As a result of our activities, exchange of information and cooperation has appeared on our web site. We have created it on cooperative principles. And all of its activities trying to build on the same principles. The task of creating this resource is not profit, but creating the resource (tool) that will allow you to meet the needs of each participant.

Be with us. Be well. Live long and active! Live in harmony with nature!

Manufacturers — we Invite to cooperation of producers of natural products.

We will be glad to work with eco-villages, family productions, masters of folk crafts.

Will help to make the certificates, packaging.

Will show that the greatest demand among buyers.



Novosibirsk Oblast
Novosibirsk city

pr-t Dimitrova, 5

tel. +7 (913) 903-42-45
Actual on 01.01.2018