Business plan, LLC. Novosibirsk, Russia

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Business plans for enterprises that implement investment projects in the Novosibirsk region: 8 903 323 04 41
With us you can request a business plan or feasibility study for the allocation of Novosibirsk businessmen and public support: grants of land, subsidies, and refunds of part of expenses on loans, the cost of machinery and equipment, etc.
Produced writing a business plan for the banks of Russia for lending and debt restructuring, to attract investors to industrial parks and leasing services, as well as for any other purpose.
In the preparation of business plan or feasibility study, we are based on the requirements of banks, potential investors and tender documentation (orders, laws, published in Novosibirsk region, etc.) government agencies upon receipt of gosfinansirovanie.
Our latest business projects – examples:
Compiled business plans for K(f)Kh - create caliciuri, poultry and sheep farm – for grants to support beginning farmer.
Prepared investment project to create the business of manufacturing a wide range of Cabinet and upholstered furniture – to credit in the savings Bank.
The business cafe project in the city of Novosibirsk (to attract partners in the business).
Carried out feasibility studies of production of workwear.
Made urgent the business plan of the company, engaged in the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses. According to the project, in greenhouses in an area of 10 hectares will be grown year-round tomatoes and cucumbers, and also parsley.
After agreeing the cost, the company decided to order the business plan for credit in the savings Bank – the investment project of development of production of roofing materials and creation of production of houses from logs and timber. A Bank loan was obtained.
Novosibirsk plant the company has ordered a feasibility study of modernization and renewal of the tractor fleet, as well as the economic rationale for the construction of facilities for storing grain.
Produced a plan of the construction of a complex for the business organization for fattening of meat cattle of breed a Limousine. After the company was ordered business project: opening of the plant for deep processing of meat and production of meat products.
The order was made on the development of a business plan to provide it in the administration of the region – the project of development of production of bath room and heating stoves.
Created a project company for the production of electrothermal equipment – to enable enterprises in the industrial Park.
Composed a business plan of a dairy complex for 1 200 milking cows with a train. The project includes its own milk processing plant.
Developed feasibility study for establishment of branch office of the manufacturer of building tool – business project prepared for the design of long-term Bank loan.
Produced feasibility studies of poultry farms for the fattening of broilers and processing of poultry meat and endoecological farm (for credit).
Was compiled and presented to the customer, the business plan of construction of the supermarket and delivery of premises in rent.
To provide the founders of the company were made up of development organizations involved in the production and trade of the region with bread and bakery products.
Made the financial plan of the enterprise in Novosibirsk on the organization of cargo transportation. The project includes the purchase of several tractors.
For the purchase and leasing of production equipment prepared business plan according to the requirements of the leasing company. The company will produce flour of several varieties of flour as well as bran.
Completed study (technical and economic) of the organization of production and sale of chocolate confectionery products (to attract venture investors).
Made ordered the business plan of construction of a farm for breeding ostriches. The main range of products: ostrich meat, ostrich family, the Chicks, Souvenirs, guided tours on the farm.
Produced business planning project of creating production of butter and other types of ice cream, frozen desserts.
For the implementation of investment project of construction and development of the cottage village of 30 houses with a land area of 10-15 acres made a compilation of the business plan and the project presentation.
Developed a business enterprise engaged in the production of construction materials and mixtures. The plan was developed to provide in few banks. Also to attract the investor in the project was enabled by our experts market analysis of construction materials and mixtures in the region.
To order a financial plan, complete plan or feasibility study, business, contact us via e-mail


Novosibirsk Oblast
Novosibirsk city

str. Vladimirovskaya, 11a

tel. 8 (903) 323-04-41
Actual on 01.01.2018