Fest Olympic Gold. Novosibirsk, Russia

Views: 45

We have been breeding dogs wonderful breed the Keeshond (Wolfspitz). This is a versatile breed of dog of medium size that are active, cheerful, with a very beautiful coat and color, perfect friends and companions for adults and children. Suitable for keeping in private homes and apartments. Wool does not require special care, well-combed and not sinking into the mats.

Our website is our gorgeous producer North Orchid fest Olympic gold (Phil), his descendants, our achievements, news, photo gallery, video transmission about the Keeshond, as well as lots of other interesting information including about this versatile breed in General. We can ask any questions about the Keeshond (wolfsspitz), to agree on a binding or buy puppies.


Novosibirsk Oblast
Novosibirsk city

630051, str. Udarnaya, 31-18

tel. 8 (913) 459-97-80

Actual on 01.01.2018