ARS System. Novosibirsk, Russia

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The company "ARS System" is the official representative of SKB Kontur. The company is associated with selling and servicing software products that greatly simplify the business: transfer of accountability, procurement, electronic signature.
Software products "ARS System" are always up with the times and the laws: so, in light of which entered into force on 54-FZ "about application of cash registers when implementing cash cash calculations and (or) calculations with use of electronic means of payment", a new software product "CRF Contour". It represents the operator‘s fiscal data, forwarding information about your purchases to the IRS.
"ARS System" provides a range of services to protect businesses from unscrupulous contractors: often there are situations when there are doubts about their future mate, now they are easy to dispel with the help of the software "Focus Loop". The software allows you to view the arbitration case, the message on bankruptcy, the principal requisites disqualified person, tax debts and many more.
Main products:
-"Contour-Focus"-inspection contractors;
-"Accounting Path" the accounting, payroll, taxes and contributions;
-"CRF Contour"- the transfer of fiscal data from cash registers in the Federal tax service;
-"Electronic signature";
-"Purchasing"is intended for search and selection of procurement notices published in accordance with 44-FZ and 223-FZ.


Novosibirsk Oblast
Novosibirsk city

str. Stantsionnaya, 30a, korpus A, str.

tel. 8 (383) 312-00-64
tel. 8 (383) 380-21-64
Actual on 01.01.2018