Degrand, LTD. Odintsovo, Russia

Views: 40 Extermination of bedbugs is a complex task requiring a comprehensive literacy approach. Bedbug is perhaps one of the most stubborn insect species. Bed bugs can easily penetrate in Your room along with the clothes of the infected other room and quickly spread over the entire area.

Bed bugs belong to the blood-sucking insects and constantly (especially at night) torturing the object of his attention painful bites. Bugs live in colonies mainly in areas close to human sleep. Appears bed bugs is often difficult, so in order to securely get rid of bed bugs, you need with the utmost seriousness and attention to the issue of how to deal with bedbugs.

High professionalism of our handlers, using modern, effective means of bed bugs, guarantees fast and safe getting rid of the insects that bother You its haunting presence and preventing to live in peace You and Your family.

We know the answer to the question: how to get rid of bed bugs? Call us by phone 8(903)147-41-41 and we will help You to solve this problem. Using a reliable tool against bed bugs and applying proven, efficient methods of processing premises, we will show You how to destroy bed bugs how to get rid of bed bugs quickly, efficiently and reliably. An effective fight against bedbugs is something that we can do more efficiently and quickly.

Our master handlers work in the time convenient for You – early morning (before work), evening (after 18-00 to 23-00), on weekends and holidays at NO EXTRA CHARGE!

Using safe for human health remedies from bed bugs, we care about You, Your family and Pets.

We do not use cheap, ineffective or poisonous for people bedbugs. Our goal is not just to hold You processing and get your money, and securely to destroy the bugs in Your apartment.Despite this we strive to provide services of pest control at low prices.

Ask questions and get additional information and to order the carrying out of disinfection treatment at Your facility, You can call on телефону8(903)147-41-41 or place your order on-line.


Moscow Oblast
Odintsovo city

str. Lenina, 5a

tel. 8 (903) 147-41-41

Actual on 01.01.2018