Tinyrest. Odintsovo, Russia

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*Representation of interests in courts of General jurisdiction (civil, family, land, inheritance and housing disputes):
- pre-trial preparation (statements of claim, requests, petitions, complaints);
- protection and representation of interests in court;
*Legal support of enforcement proceedings:
- training in making statements about the initiation of enforcement proceedings;
- requests update requests to government agencies and commercial organizations;
- complaints against action/inaction of bailiffs-executors;
- investigation of accounts and tracing of the debtor;
- statement on temporary restriction of departure from Russia;
branches of the judicial police officer–executor;
- a statement under article 177 of the criminal code (malicious evasion from repayment of accounts payable);
- statement according to article 157 of the criminal code (malicious evasion from payment of means for the maintenance of children or disabled parents);
- statement according to article 315 of the criminal code (failure to execute court verdict, court decision or other judicial act);
*Legal support of real estate transactions (drafting and registration of contracts, urgent production of documents and cadastral plans, statements, testimonies):
- preparing contracts, etc.;
- legal support of transactions;
- privatization of apartments, land plots;
- assistance in registration of inheritance rights;
- BTI, Registration chamber, cadastral plans;
acceleration in the certificate of state registration of rights;
- extract from the unified state register of rights (USRR)
The consultation is free!
8 909 960 50 58 Evgeny Vladimirovich Meshcheryakov


Moscow Oblast
Odintsovo city

str. Soyuznaya, 1v

tel. +7 (909) 960-50-58

Actual on 01.01.2018