Energetik-Orenburg. Orenburg, Russia

Views: 61

Our cozy hostel is located in the city centre, within walking distance of a commuter bus station, Central market, tons/d "Sunrise", Musical Comedy theatre, regional Philharmonic society, regional hospital. There are rooms of different categories with the amenities in the room and on the floor. Check in the same day, subject to availability of places. Round the clock security.
The price from 250 rubles per day. Check in the same day.

The cost of accommodation per person per day for students of educational institutions of higher and secondary professional education of 200.00 rubles (in the rooms with the price from 250.00 to 350.00 rubles roubles) upon presentation of a student card.


Orenburg Oblast
Orenburg city

460024, str. Aksakova, 3

tel. 8 (901) 097-89-55

Actual on 01.01.2018