Good Deeds The Master. Perm, Russia

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Agency home staff "Good Master" provides services in recruitment of nannies, caregivers, housekeepers, Tutors, etc. We only offer proven, reliable staff with prior experience in families, with good recommendations, because we value our reputation. Throughout the period of validity of the concluded contract with the customer, our managers are on call, ready to solve urgent issues. We guarantee free replacement for the entire term of the contract, conclusion of contract and payment only after the "trial days", only after You make sure that the employee fits You 100%; and also an individual approach to payment: can provide installment payment.


Perm Krai
Perm city

str. Krisanova, 16

tel. 271-88-04
tel. 8 (963) 881-85-85
Actual on 01.01.2018