Just email us if You want:
To get professional advice as a chartered marketer with extensive experience
To start a bright advertising campaign, which will really increase sales
To organize the original action, after which, You talk about the city
With great publicity to bring to market a new product
Several times to improve sales of Your website
Train Your employees to sell, creating a need to stop and overcome objections
Marketing centre "Cartel" conducts successful research in many Russian cities, in particular city of the Republic of Udmurtia, the Sverdlovsk region, Perm region, Tyumen region. Two main offices are in Ekaterinburg and Izhevsk.
Main activities:
1. Marketing research (market research of goods and services; consumer research; analysis of competitors);
2. Socio-political studies (study of public policy issues; study of the electorate; research in the field of political advertising; a study of the lifestyle);
3. Field services;
4. Strategic positioning of the object.