EXCLUSIVE. Perm, Russia

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School Dance EXCLUSIVE – a proven 20-year success school of contemporary dance in the Kirov district of Perm. Hundreds of awards and victories, constant participation of all age groups in the international, national and city competitions and festivals. Our students, teachers and schools – successful participants of the TV project DANCING on TNT 2014!
The organization of social and cultural activities in the area and the city, a brilliant curriculum, high quality teaching, your choreographer, producer, choreographers, as well as guest teachers, master classes, theme parties, special "family" atmosphere, close relationship with parents of students.
In the program – choreography, Irish dance, modern dance, Russian dance, modern dance, variety dance, acrobatics, break dancing, street dancing.
Our Studio of Irish dance Trinity Dance is a member of the world Irish dance Association WIDA c curator Kevin Connor – judge of the international class at the world competition for Irish dance.
Large concerts, shows and festivals. Club private parties.
Collaboration with administration, schools, kindergartens of Kirov district, with the Agency of socio-cultural projects (ASP) the administration of Perm city and.
The age of the students– 3-4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-12, 14-17 years. There are adult groups.
Fully equipped room with ventilation (air supply+ exhaust), fire alarm system, a lovely bathroom (with heated floor, shower, toilet, Hairdryer, towels), a drinking fountain with a high degree of purification (including UV) water, huge mirrors, a video projector and a large screen TV, a comfortable lobby with free Wi-Fi, a wardrobe with a large Fund costumes, dance machine, fitness equipment for functional training, "green holiday" and a festive tea parties.
2 rooms to practice.
Their masters for the production of ballet shoes and sewing costumes.
In the dance school "Exclusive" available holding corporate events of any complexity, children‘s party, class night, prom, birthday, shows, Christmas shows, concert performances of ballet, senior or Junior concert compositions.
Recorded directly on the website.



Perm Krai
Perm city

str. Yampolskaya, 16

tel. +7 (342) 279-89-25
tel. +7 (950) 442-98-70

Actual on 01.01.2018