For many years we successfully operate and expand our position in the Russian market of customs services, which allows us to offer You a full complex of services for customs clearance.
We offer the following customs clearance services:
- Consulting services on foreign economic activity and customs legislation of the Russian Federation and the customs control;
- Classification of goods according to HS codes and preliminary calculation of customs fees;
- Complex customs clearance;
- Preparation of documents and registration of participants of foreign trade activities of the customs authorities;
- Assistance in organization of foreign trade transactions with the assistance of a customs broker;
- Examination of foreign economic contracts;
- Assistance in resolution of disputes on customs questions;
- Enter the goods into the authorized capital;
- Assistance in the preparation and examination of additional documents required by the customs authorities for making decisions on the customs value by the first method;
- Preparation, analysis of documents and assistance in obtaining classification decisions.
We provide services of customs clearance in the cities
Perm (customs post "PAL‘nikovskogo" customs post "AIRPORT PERM")
Find (a customs post "seaport East")
Moscow (customs station "Kolomna")